Tuesday 21 December 2010

Green Screen Demo Video (and Raw FX Footage)

Here is the video of our Green Screen edit, filmed Tuesday 14th December (Last Week). Basically just a run through of all of the raw effects, green screen and video FX we wanted to try out. In the end here is the compilation video of our little mess around. Plus, on another note, the actual music video for 'Weekend Wars' is NEARLY HERE! Enjoy! :)

We thought that the shoot was enlightening, as when it came to the actual video when we edited our green screen footage, we found out how to actually make it effective. Our mistakes were to obviously, keep the camera still, and have a motive next time! Please leave us a comment on how effective you thought this shoot looked! Many thanks....

Monday 20 December 2010

IMovie HD still images...

After the Green Screen shoot last Friday, all morning was spent monday editing the video. Here below are some of the final edited green screen shots, which are looking fabulous so far. The video is around about 98% done too! HOORAHH! YEY! Check em out.....

Black and white and green.



Funky hypnotic effects are due when Kieran plays the keys...

Spiral Jay.

'Luke, I am your father...'

Eddie, after his vocals in the ending shot, walks away from the camera as the effects fade.

Pictures from Green Screen shoot...

After much deliberation, our group finally decided on use of the green screen. We did a demo on Tuesday involving me (Jay) and Kieran with guitars, aiming to in the lesson actually film on the screen. Now we've finally got the hang of it. At first we had difficulty with the edits because the Mac was having an off-day, but friday, the green screen shoot went ahead. Pictures are below :)

The set.

Kieran's use of instrumentation...

Gearing up...

Kieran's up first!


La Poseur...

Jon on cam and James overseeing proceedings...

Bob Dylan and Alex Turner... NAAHHT

Rory and Eddie chat over gummy snakes and stylish clothing...

Publicity shot for NME...

Eddie prepares to give the performance of his entire life...

...with a little help from Jon and Kieran, who have written down the vocals... JUST IN CASE!

Im green! Da Bo Dee Da Do Daaa. Eddie hones his lip syncing skillage.

Kieran films but is interrupted by a random disco ball...

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Sunday 12 December 2010

photos from filming

Bond Villain

Superman strikes a pose

The making of the evil clown

The band...

Minnie Mouse and Sweet Tooth... an odd mix to say the least

Lovely scenery

possible digipak interior?

The good team :D


Planning for the good team

hard at work

The Chessboard is now ruined :(

Bad guys have neglected to plan ahead

Jedi vs clown

note: serious face

Tuesday 7 December 2010


Pretty snazzy eh?

Ahoy! What's this? The outside of the Digipack? Well i'll be!

The second day of filming...


Stills from the second day of filming...

Capturing the flag...

Dr. Evil?

Our villains plan ahead...

En Garde!


The clown chases the Jedi...

'This weapon is your life!'
'I try master...'

Friday 26 November 2010

Song lyrics - for the PERFORMERS :)

Hey guys, just putting the lyrics up for if anyone wants to star as a performer. Good lip syncing required, and the song will be on throughout the filming on a portable player. Thanks :)


Evil S I yes to find a shore,
A beach that doesn't quiver anymore,
Where we can crush some plants to paint my walls,
And I won't try to fight in the weekend wars
Was I? I was to lazy to bathe
Or paint or write or try to make a change.
Now I can shoot a gun to kill my lunch
And I don't have to love or think too much

Instant battle plans written on the sidewalk
Mental mystics in a twisted metal car
Tried to amplify the sound of light and love

Christ is cursed of faders and maders
Might even take a knife to split a hair
Or even scare the children off my lawn
Giving us time to make the makeshift bombs
Every mess invested was a score
We couldn't use computers anymore
It's difficult to win unless you're bored,
And you might have to plan for the weekend wars

Try to break my heart I'll drive to Arizona.
It might take 100 years to grow an arm
I'll sit and listen to the sound of sand and cold
Twisted diamond heart, I'm the weekend warrior
My predictions are the only things I have
I can amplify the sound and light and love

I'm a curse and i'm a sound,
When I open up my mouth,
There's a reason I don't win,
I don't know how to begin


If anybody wants to come down and get involved in the shoot, you are more than welcome. More people = more epicness! We need a large array of actors to help out in filming, so if you are interested, we will be in Chilwell at the park around noon (Sunday 28th November) to start. Bring a fancy dress costume, or anything creepy or awesome looking. It will make the video look tremendous. Thank you for your support.

Weather Forecast for 2nd shoot - Sun 28th Nov

Looks freezing... and cloudy with a hint of sunshine. We had this last week and it ended up raining, but if push comes to shove, we should be fine and get everything done :) it would be amazing if it snows... but the chances of that happening are impossible in these parts...


Footage continues Sunday 28th November. We plan in this time to film the entire battle scene and also other scenes outside and inside the house. The footage got already is part of the beginning and end of the video, the middle being the battle itself. We will continue to update our progress with more stills and weather reports for filming.


Tuesday 23 November 2010

The first day of filming..........


Stills from the first day filming.

A gear up for the performance.

Heading for battle.

Chased by a Clown!

The Robot comes to play...

..and struggles to open the door in his box.

Our jedi lookalike in the house.